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I'm only a student of FABRICATION artS but I hope my pieces help in some way
THE HUNTED TRIBES | REMEMBER | BIRTHNatural & found objects as part of healing rituals. [Details on blog] |
MAYA 13This collage is made from found and natural objects as well as a graphic design collage printed on fabric to depict the power of the Mayan goddesses and animal spirit guides. | HUNTED [DETAIL] | HEALING FEAR |
DREAMER | EARTH MEDICINEThis series of natural & found objects is about healing the connection between man/woman + nature. The first two healing pieces were created in place in nature as part of a healing ceremony. Every part is symbolic or has healing properties used in Chinese, Native, or natural medicine. | FIGURE STUDY |
THE BODY MACHINE 2 | GAIA | AFTER WARThis collage is from natural objects and each piece is symbolic and represents the cage/prison/war camp we have created and the aftermath of war. The full description of the art collages is on my blog. |
HEALING WORRY[full descriptions of the art collages coming soon] | HEALING MEMORY | GAIA 2 |
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