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Sketches of The Wind CD

Here are the very rough sketches for the CD project I am calling The Wind (working title--might go with Nomad). [Scroll down for sketches after notes.]

This is a compilation of songs that remind me of a long lost friend I love very much--he and I are both nomads and traveled in opposite directions a while ago so this is my message in a bottle to a fellow traveler I miss. It's a bit of mixed emotions from sad to hopeful but even the sad songs cheer you up--especially Boa Sorte (good luck) which is depressing as hell about a rough break up but sounds cheery, ha. We didn't have a bad break up but the expression and intensity of the songs remind me of him and many of the lyrics reflect how I feel--just not the negative ones :)

1. Blood of Eden, Peter Gabriel

2. Goodbye Kiss, Lana Del Rey (this is a cover so will credit original)

3. Soldiers, Ben Howard

4. You, Keaton Henson

5. Boa Sorte, Vanessa da Mata & Ben Harper

6. A Thousand Years, Christina Perri

7. I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles), The Proclaimers

8. I Will Wait, Mumford & Sons

PAGE NOTES: I took photographs that I want to use on every page faded/low opacity behind the lyrics & text. The photos are all about life on the road, distance between people, and remembering someone in the down time. I would like to just have one song on each page but since this an 8 page booklet I think I originally I was going to have 2 on each page to keep it balanced but now I may shorten to 7 songs and get rid of my zen circle page because I like my dedication page idea.

THE COVER will be the opposite--the image will be clear and full opacity and the title almost translucent and the length of the CD cover superimposed over the image at the top...I didn't draw that exactly the way I envisioned it.

THE INSIDE COVER will have a poem/lyrics I wrote to my traveling distant friend who I am dedicating this to...

EACH INNER PAGE will have an almost translucent title bar for each song. I'll just go with one song per page if it gets too crowded and put the lyrics over the faded- out image. Each image is one I took of traveling in some way--boat, train, etc.


will have a Zen circle on it with a quote in its center or if I need the space I'll spread out the songs more since some of the lyrics are long...


will have 8 symbolic and abstract port holes with each song's info in each one. The 'holes' will sit the album title extending across the whole back again but faded out over a stone- patterned gray.

In the corner I will add the record company logo to look like a stamp...

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